Data Manipulation Language(DML)

Data Manipulation Language:

  • Data manipulation language(DML) is a core part of SQL. When you want to add, update, or delete data in the database, you execute a DML statement.
  • A collection of DML statements that form a logical unit of work is called a transaction.
  • The DML in SQL which contain four commands those are
              i) INSERT
             ii) UPDATE
            iii) DELETE

This command is used to insert the records in the table using this command we can insert the data into the table in two methods.
             i) Explicit method.  
            ii) Implicit method.

i)Explicit Method:
In this method user need to enter all the values into the columns without left any column data.

insert into <table name> values(value1,value2,....,valuen);
SQL>insert into emp values(1001,'SCOTT',10);
SQL>insert into employee('1002,'');
We can use && in front of any column. By placing like this the use is – “It takes particular column values as default for remaining all values.

Syntax to insert the records into the table using i nsertion operation:
insert into <table name> values(&column1,&column2,.....,&column_n);
SQL>insert into emp values(&empno,'&ename','&job',&sal);
SQL>insert into employee values(&empno,'&email',&mobileno);
Implicit method:
This method we can enter the values at required columns in the table.
insert into <table name>(column1,column2,.....,column_n);
SQL>insert into emp(empno,ename) values(1003,'MILLER');
SQL>insert into employee (email,mobileno) values ('netlojava@netlojava' ,9876543210);

Syntax to insert record using & Symbol:
insert into <table name>(column1,column2,.....,column_n) values (&column1,&column2,.....,&column_n);
SQL>insert into emp(empno,job) values(&empno,'&job') values (1004,'MANAGER');
SQL>insert into employe(ename,sal,deptno) values('&ename',&sal,&deptno);

Update is used to modify the existing values in Table or in the base table of View.
The Table must be in the Own schema.
UPDATE object privilege should be available.
update <table name> set <column name>=<value>[,<column name2>,...]
[where condition];
SQL>update emp set deptno=20 where empno='1002';
SQL>update employee set sal=5000 where empno='1003';
SQL>update emp set sal=3000,comm=NULL
            where job='CLERK';

Updating Two Columns with a Sub Query:
SQL>update emp set job=(select job from emp
                                    where empno=1004),
                           sal=(select job from emp
                                    where empno=1005),
            where empno=1002;
SQL>update emp set deptno=(select deptno from emp
                                    where empno=1001)
            where job=(select job from emp where empno=1002);
SQL>update emp set (job,deptno)=(select job,deptno
                                    from dept where empno=1003)
            where empno=1002;

Updating Rows based on Another Table:
use sub queries in UPDATE statements to update rows in a table based on values from another table.
SQL>update emp set deptno=(select deptno from dept
                                    where dname='ACCOUNTING')
            where deptno=(select deptno from dept
                                    where dname=-'SALES');

Appling default Values:
It is used to UPDATE a value in a column with DEFAULT value set in the constraints.
SQL>update emp set sal=DEFAULT where ename='FORD';
SQL>update emp set hiredate=DEFAULT where empno=1003;

Returning Clause:
The returning clause is introduced from 8.0.
It is used to return a value from a aggregate function.
This feature is introduced in grid technology.
The clause can be specified for table and materialized views and for views with a single base table.

Each express must be a simple expression or a single set aggregate function.
It cannot be specified for multiple table insert.
It cannot be specified upon a view upon which a instead of trigger is defined.
SQL>VAR sumsal number;
SQL>update emp set sal=sal*0.25
                        where deptno=10
                        returning sum(sal) into :sumsal;
SQL>var bsal number;
SQL>var bname varchar;
SQL>update emp set sal=sal+sal*0.25
                        where empno=1004
                        returning ename,sal into :bname,:bsal;
SQL>print :bname :bsal;

iii) DELETE:
This command is used to delete the records from the existing table. Using this command we can delete all the records and also we can delete specific records
from the table.
To DELETE rows from a table, the table must be in the USERS SCHEMA.
DELETE any table system privilege allows to DELETE rows from any TABLE or PARTITION TABLE or from the base table of any VIEW.
delete [FROM] <table name>
            [WHERE Condition];
SQL>delete from emp;
SQL>delete from emp empno;
SQL>delete from emp where empno in(7566,7900);
SQL>delete from emp where ename='SCOTT';
SQL>delete from emp where job='SALESMAN' and
SQL>var vsal number;
SQL>delete from emp where job='SALESMAN' and
                                    returning SUM(sal) into :vsal;
SQL>print :vsal;
SQL>delete from emp where ename='SCOTT' or ename='KING';

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