This command is used to creating the database objects such as Table,View, Synonym, Trigger, Stored, Procedure  etc..,

Syntax: create table <table name>
            (COLUMN1 datatype(Size),
            COLUMN2 datatype(Size),
            COLUMNN datatype(size));
SQL>create table emp(empno varhcar(10),
            ename varchar2(10),
            sal number(7,2));

Rules for Creating a table:
  • Table name must be unique in schema.
  • The table name should begin with a letter ad can be 1-30 characters long.
  • Table name should start with alphabets which contains minimum 1 and maximum 30 characters
  • it should not allows any spaces or any special characters such as except _, #, $ and 0 to 9.
  • A table can have minimum 1 column maximum thousand columns.
  • A table can have 0 no of records and maximum n no of records up to hard disk capacity.
  • Oracle reserved keywords and words should not be used column names or table names.
  • •Names are not case sensitive.

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