• This command is used to delete the records from the existing table. Using this command we can delete all the records and also we can delete specific records
  • from the table.
  • To DELETE rows from a table, the table must be in the USERS SCHEMA.
  • DELETE any table system privilege allows to DELETE rows from any TABLE or PARTITION TABLE or from the base table of any VIEW.

delete [FROM] <table name>
            [WHERE Condition];

SQL>delete from emp;
SQL>delete from emp empno;
SQL>delete from emp where empno in(7566,7900);
SQL>delete from emp where ename='SCOTT';
SQL>delete from emp where job='SALESMAN' and
SQL>var vsal number;
SQL>delete from emp where job='SALESMAN' and
                                    returning SUM(sal) into :vsal;
SQL>print :vsal;
SQL>delete from emp where ename='SCOTT' or ename='KING';

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