Emp Table

sql> select * from emp;

7369SMITHCLERK790217-DEC-80  80020
7782      CLARKMANAGER783909-JUN-81245010
7844 TURNERSALESMAN769808-SEP-81150030
7900 JAMES      CLERK7698      03-DEC-81  950  30
7902  FORDANALYST756603-DEC-81300020
7934 MILLERCLERK778223-JAN-82130010

Database Models?

Database Models:
The main object of the database is store the inter related data and maintain the data. The very basic elementary piece of data is called as ‘data item’. We assume that item cannot be subdivided into smaller data types and at the same time retain any meaning to the users of the data. The relationship among the data the database models are:

1) File Management System (FMS).

2) Hierarchical Database System (HDBS).

3) Network Database System (NDBs).

4) Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

What is Database Management System?

What is Database Management System?
A Database Management System is essentially a collection interrelated data and a set of programs to access this data. This  collection of data is called the database. The primary objective of a DBMS is to provide a convenient environment to retrieve and store database information. Database System support single user and multi-user environment. While on one hand DBMS permits only one person to access the database at a given time, on the other RDBMS allows many users simultaneous access to the database.

A Data Base System consists of two parts namely, database Management System and Database Application. Database Management System is the program that organizes and maintains  the information whereas the database management system is the program that organizes and maintains the information stored in the DBMS.

  • Database is a collection of data in one or more files for the future reference.
  • Database is a collection of interrelated data, i.e., database always stores data along with it’s relationships.

What is database Actually?

What is database Actually?
Database is a platform where we can place the data for the future references. Database is a collection of interrelated data,
i.e., database always stores data along with it’s relationships.
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